10 creative soup toppings to spice up your soup

Soup is good for the soul and there’s nothing more satisfying than a bowl of steaming, delicious soup as the cold weather creeps in.

To take my bowls from ordinary to extraordinary, I love adding different creative soup toppings. Here are 10 suggestions to liven up your soup bowls that are quick and easy:

1. Yogurt

The simplest of all is to add a dollop of Greek yogurt to a bowl of tomato or butternut soup. Add a basil leaf or two and you’ve got a beautifully presented soup, ready to serve to guests.

creative soup toppings

2. Pesto

Another very simple and easy soup topping is to add some basil pesto to any tomato-based soup as tomatoes and basil are perfect partners.

3. Croûtons

Do you wonder what to do with leftover bread or ciabatta? Try breaking it up into bite-sized pieces, gently rubbing the pieces with a garlic clove and sautéing in a touch of olive oil. I like to make a batch at a time and I store the extra croûtons in a sealable bag and pop them into the freezer. They defrost in no time, ready to serve on any type of soup.

4. Seeds

For thick creamy soups like potato or cauliflower, I use a mixture of seeds to add some crunch. All seeds work well, but my favourites are pumpkin, sesame and pine nuts. I simply dry roast them, sprinkle over some salt while they’re still warm and they’re ready to go.

creative soup toppings

5. Crunchy veg

Another way to add some crunch is to dry roast some finely sliced sweet potatoes or some spiralised baby marrow. They also make for an interesting looking topping.

6. Jalapeño

My husband is forever adding a touch of chill to his food, so I cut up some pickled jalapeño peppers to create a bit of heat to my bean soup. If you’re feeling extra devilish, add some finely chopped red or green chillies.

7. Bacon bits

If I’m looking to add some extra protein, I like to sprinkle over crispy bacon or chorizo bits. They’re also easy to make in a large batch and store in the freezer in a sealable bag. If I’m feeling a little more decadent, a cooked prawn with it’s tail intact makes for an impressive topping.

8. Miso paste

When it comes to a consommé, I like to add a touch of miso paste to give it that umami flavour. As a simpler substitute, I use a dash of Worcestershire sauce or soy sauce to give my soup an Asian twist. But watch how much you put in, it’s very salty and high in sodium.

9. Leaves

How about upping your daily veggie intake? Stir in some bok choi or baby spinach leaves as a healthier way to keep with an Asian flavour.

creative soup toppings

10. Herbs

Staying with the greens, remember that many different herbs make great toppings. Coriander always works well for fish and chicken, crispy sage with pumpkin and trusty parsley goes with almost anything. Micro greens also make the prettiest toppings.

The options are endless, so have some fun and let me know some of your suggestions for your own creative soup toppings.