What to do to keep busy during winter

Winter is well and truly here which keeps us hidden away indoors. While we may miss frolicking in the sunshine that doesn’t mean we have to suffer through the winter months doing absolutely nothing. When the cold weather tries to freeze the spirit, thaw it out with a burst of indoor activities that will keep you busy and entertained. From culinary escapades that fill the air with tantalising aromas to crafting sessions that turn ordinary objects into masterpieces, you can transform winter from a dark, dull slog into a fun-filled adventure that makes the frostiest days feel like a celebration. Here are some of my favourite activities to keep you entertained all winter long.

  1. Get crafty

Embrace your inner artist and indulge in a variety of craft projects. Knitting and crocheting are all the rage right now so why not give that a try? For those who love a little sparkle (like me) try your hand at making candles and add a touch of warmth to your home. I like to take this time to make some fun Christmas decorations, using all kinds of household items, even an avocado pip has made a fun hanging item for our Christmas tree!

  1. Cook up a storm

Winter is the perfect time to head into the kitchen and embark on culinary adventures. Use the colder months as an opportunity to sharpen your cooking skills. Experiment with new recipes or bake delicious treats. Spice up your kitchen with a sizzling stir-fry or delve into the world of soups and stews – the perfect winter warmers. Try your hand at international cuisines, such as preparing a fragrant curry from India or creating delicate sushi rolls from Japan.

  1. Dive into a good book

For me, there are few better winter activities than cosying up with a good book and letting the stories take me away from the cold winter weather. Create a reading nook with soft pillows and warm lighting and let yourself get lost in the pages of a novel. How about joining a book club? Or start your own and invite friends over for a lively discussion to share your literary discoveries and recommendations. So, when the weather starts to turn let the pages whisk you away

  1. Time to binge

Icy evenings are made for snuggling up, grabbing a bowl of popcorn and embarking on a movie marathon or series binge-watching session. There’s no better way to beat the winter blues than with a lineup of your favourite films. Whether you enjoy classic comedies that tickle your funny bone, compelling dramas that tug at your heartstrings or a good old-fashioned action-packed blockbuster – there’s something for every mood and taste. Settle into your comfiest PJs, and get lost in a cinematic universe.

winter activities

  1. Let’s Dance

With all the cooking, crafting and movie watching it can be easy to forget about staying active – especially when going outside is challenging. Make exercise fun by doing some at-home dance sessions. Clear some space in your living room, put on your favourite upbeat music and let loose. Dancing not only gets your body moving but is also one of the best winter activities to uplift your spirits and help relieve stress. If you have to do some house cleaning, put on some of your favourite music and you’ll be amazed at how quickly the housework gets done.

  1. Make Music

This is the ideal time to create new playlists. But don’t stick to the same old same old. Research has shown that listening to different music genre activates almost all of your brain’s networks and regions. It even strengthens the connections between different parts of the brain. It has an impact on our relationships, emotions and well-being. Step out of your comfort zone and take advantage of different genres… express yourself with some hip hop, study to Bach and dance with Miley Cyrus.

  1. Photo Time

We’re all guilty of taking huge amounts of photos, especially when on holiday. But what do you actually do with them? With the stormy weather outside, now’s the perfect time to organise your photos and reminisce about all those sunny holidays you had with family and friends. Or what about making some videos from them? There are now so many apps to help you with this so have some fun and you’ll be amazed at what you can create.

winter activities

  1. Redecorate

Both my grandmothers used to move their furniture around a lot. And I mean a lot! One grandmother even broke her wrist in her eighties because she slipped off a chair she was standing on while trying to hang a painting. I’m not suggesting you hurt yourself, but having to stay indoors creates an opportunity for you to redecorate your home. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune or anything at all – all you need to do is move some furniture around. You might find that your sofa looks much better if it’s on the opposite wall. Or splash out on some new cushions. You’ll be amazed how some decorative winter activities can transform a room. Come on, give it a try.

  1. Mix and match

I’m not suggesting a shopping spree but rather a new look at your existing wardrobe. Take your favourite clothing items and see if you can mix them up a bit. Say you’ve always worn that white blouse with those blue trousers, but perhaps the trousers work even better with your pink top. Try them on, play around with some accessories and before you know it, you’ll have put together a whole bunch of new outfits. When I do this I like to photograph them so that I don’t forget!

Winter doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. Embrace the season’s charm and make the most of your time indoors with an array of activities to keep you busy and entertained. Whatever you choose to do, make the most of the colder months and indulge in the joy of being snug and occupied in your own little indoor winter wonderland.

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