About me

Welcome to my website. My name’s Chantal and I hope you’ll enjoy what I have to share with you here as I indulge my passions for food, travel and healthy living.

I draw inspiration from my travels and my home – the beautiful Franschhoek valley, famed for fine wine, delicious dining and breathtaking views. As well as delicious recipes and handy tricks for the kitchen, I’ll also be sharing interesting snippets and things that catch my eye.

I’ve always loved cooking and coming up with innovative recipes that taste good and leave one feeling healthier. Following this passion, I wrote my first recipe book All Sorts of Salads in 2015, which I’m happy to say has been a bestseller.

I followed that up with my second book, All Sorts of Healthy Dishes: The Mediterranean way in October 2017 and went on to bring out All Sorts of One-Dish Wonders, with a focus on easy, hassle free cooking. Next came All Sorts of Tapas and in 2021 I brought out my first book outside of the All Sorts series, The Ultimate Salad Book.

I enjoyed that so much that I’d like to keep sharing recipes and tips for healthy living with you here on my site and through my monthly newsletter. I’ve also started up a YouTube channel where I started the 15 Minute Gourmet series of cooking videos for you join me in the kitchen and cook along with me.

Please browse around and I hope you find something delicious for your kitchen and home.

With love and living well,
