My ouma’s traditional curry and rice (Kerrie en rys)

There’s nothing quite like some good old home cooking and my ouma’s traditional curry and rice is just that.

A delicious traditional curry, that stirs up memories and tastes like home.


Serves 4

  • 500g  – 600g lean mince
  • ½ onion, chopped
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1.5T garam masala
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 x 400g tinned tomatoes
  • 1T white wine vinegar
  • ½ tsp dried mixed herbs
  • 1 cup carrots, chopped
  • 2 – 3 small potatoes chopped into quarters
  • ¾ cup water
  • 1.5 T apricot jam
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Heat the oil in a pan and gently sauté the onions until they start to brown.
  2. Add in the garam masala and turmeric, stir through and allow to cook for about 2 minutes.
  3. Pour in the tinned tomatoes, mixed herbs, salt and pepper and stir together.
  4. Add in the mince, mix together and allow to simmer for a few minutes.
  5. Pour in the water and white wine vinegar and stir in the apricot jam.
  6. Add in the chopped carrots and potatoes and stir through.
  7. Cover with a lid and allow to simmer for approximately 20 minutes or until the carrots and potatoes are soft.
  8. Serve with white rice.
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